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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Throwback to Matilda

#‎tbt (a day early) #‎matilda Miss Trunchbull is coming to take you to Crunchem Hall School. Escape through the portal... Call Syon, he can open the portal. #‎gifted 

In the novel, "Matilda", by Roald Dahl, a gifted and talented girl, who is persecuted by her crude family for reading books, must escape a fate of following in her father's criminal footsteps. She discovers that, in addition to her intellectual talents, she has the talent of telekinesis, which she uses to save her friends and beloved teacher from the evil bully called Miss Trunchbull, the head of the Crunchem Hall Primary School. She  becomes the adopted child of her favorite teacher.

By contrast, Syon in Book #5, "The Owl from Oblivion" is unable to save himself from his alcoholic parents and a father that incessantly beats him. Both his child and adult friends must come to save him. But there is more to Syon than being a mere genius. He controls the portal to a supernatural timeline where all his friends have enormous powers. Syon, himself, is the Master of Time on the supernatural timeline. If Syon's father kills him before his friends can save him, the portal from the reality timeline to the supernatural timeline will be closed forever. 

With spies and assassins complicating the rescue of Syon and a disaster in time on the supernatural timeline that causes the creation of the reality timeline, you will be kept in suspense for hours, that is when you are not crying about Syon. Book #5, "The Owl from Oblivion" will be released this summer.

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