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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Illustration of the Day: Tova2's choices

#‎IllustrationOfTheDay‬ Which would you choose: preserve humanity and destroy your immortal love or let him live and humanity burn? In this scene, it's even worse: she must choose between Peter3 and the Great Sophistan being destroyed --- the creators of her new and powerful body who rescued her life --- or allowing the transformation of her immortal love into a new, powerful life form. Tova2 lives perpetually in conflict because she is the only one who could possible destroy Stefan if Stefan starts using his powers irrationally yet she also must protect the younger, vulnerable Stefan who she dearly loves. It is a difficult situation to be in.

The scene depicted occurs in Book #2: "The Saeshell Book of Time Part 2: The Rebirth of Innocents." Here is a higher resolution view of the scene.

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