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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Paradise Lost

“Diabolical plans unfold to force Stefan's ascension. His choice: pass the trials and become King of Earth — or be killed. The corpus of supremely jealous beings would gleefully end his life, save for his passionate mate’s protection. Has a lust for killing been woven into her innocent core? Protection — a two edged sword — she is bound to euthanize him if his mind rips. Fairies are bound to promote love. Will the ambitious Queen of Sophista — The Queen of the Distant Fairies — ruthlessly stab Stefan’s innocence or simply instill Earth survival skills? Will Ty’s father’s dark past break his son’s heart? For the loving couple and their Children of Sophista, has paradise been truly lost? The Federation seeks to dominate. The snakes lurk in the shadows, ready to strike — and so does Atreyeu.”

Illustration by Matt Curtis. Contrast enhanced for web display.

 The Saeshell Book of Time Part 3: Paradise Lost will be released in October, 2013. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Alleah Rises (Book #2, Illustration 19-1)

“Mummy looks a little scared of me. Bo Bo told me before I was born she might be a little scared. Oh, I shouldn’t tell. It might cause a para…para…para…mess up time. Bo Bo talks a lot. Sometimes I don’t listen. I want to listen. But sometimes he just says too many things. I like it when he talks. It helps me sleep. I’m never scared. Bo Bo takes care of me. Bo Bo is strong. No-one can hurt me when Bo Bo is near. Sometimes he can’t be near. Then mummy keeps me safe. Mummy says lots of things too. Mummy’s voice is strong. She scares people sometimes. I remember daddy. He was very nice. He loved Bo Bo lots. Bo Bo loved him lots. I couldn’t see daddy because Bo Bo burned him. He didn’t mean to. It was an accident. Like most things Bo Bo does. When I remember daddy, I get confused. Because Bo Bo has always taken care of me. Mummy wants to cuddle me, I can tell. I hope Bo Bo’s mate made my body strong. Part of her lives in my brain. Oh I shouldn’t of said. Maybe there’s enough still in her brain. Otherwise, when mummy hugs me, I will crunch. That would hurt. I like saying “mate” to Bo Bo’s mate. She turns red. I don’t know why. But it’s funny. Oh mummy’s coming. Mummy…Mummy…Mummy…”

This character monologue is an expansion of the story surrounding this illustration. This illustration by Matt Curtis is from book #2, "The Saeshell Book of Time Part 2: The Rebirth of Innocents." Buy book #1 now so you are ready for the release of book #2 on March 29th. The full color Kindle Edition is available for $7.99 on Amazon at: You can get the black and white Reader's Edition paperback, $14.99, direct from the press: If you have the bucks, the full color Collector's Edition paperback, printed on a high resolution press, is really awesome. It's $44.99, direct from the press: The paperbacks are also available on Amazon.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Peter3, Master of Resurrection

“Today is the day—the day I get to be the great Peter3 and perform my deed of resurrection. I loved her the day she was born. I loved her while she grew. Her mind was so wonderfully powerful yet so innocent — so much like you in some ways, my younger brother. How can I do this? My design is so complex—my obsession so complete — I allowed no-one to help me. No-one else can understand the design — no-one to rescue me — rescue her—if I make a mistake. I could not stand to watch her die again. She might. And yet, here is Paul25, the most beautiful of heart among us, encouraging me to take the leap—the leap to uncertain conclusions. He is the perfect of brothers. He believes in me. He looks at me with that naïve, silly look of his and blindly believes I can do anything. He believes I am like my elder brother, Peter2, who created him and who created me. Perfection—even my creator could not have been the maestro who filled existence with your song of life — someone so filled with love as you, Paul25. You have been touched in some way I do not understand. But who or what might have touched you, I cannot tell. Shall I spin the winds of creation and fly against the randomness? What will you think, Brother, if the randomness wins — if I have to kill her vulnerable innocence right before your eyes?”

[This character monologue is an expansion of the story surrounding this illustration. This illustration, by Matt Curtis, is from book #1, "The Saeshell Book of Time Part 1: The Death of Innocents." Buy book #1 now so you are ready for the release of book #2 on March 29th. The illustrated full color Kindle Edition is available for $7.99 on Amazon at: You can get the illustrated black and white Reader's Edition paperback, $14.99, direct from the press: If you have the bucks, the illustrated full color Collector's Edition paperback, printed on a high resolution press, is really awesome. It's $44.99, direct from the press: The paperbacks are also available on Amazon.]